

+fortuna is a graphic design studio focusing on publication design, corporate and brand identity, wayfinding design, infographics, exhibition design.
Our works are colorfully accurate, cheerfully efficient, passionately effective. They forward very serious messages through light and lightful images.
We work with companies and institutions, museums, artists, large and small businesses and develop their identity, promote their initiatives, and spread about their activities.
We designs way-showing systems and setting-up for some important French companies (Dior, LVMH – Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, Foncière de l’Erable). We are particularly inclined to develop projects for contemporary art. We collaborated with Venice Biennale, Riga Bourse Museum; Stockholm Millesgården Museum; MAD - Museum of Arts and Design- New York; Beirut Exhibition Center; S.Petersburg Hermitage.
We are involved in projects for social communication, local cultural improvement, visual enhancement of archives: we worked with Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice, National Day of Little Museums, Sismicity - L'Aquila 2009, Isec Foundation, Milan.


Paola Fortuna comes to light in Trieste on a Bora wind day in 1969. Her vision of the world is irremediably influenced by spending infancy and teen-age in the city of folly. Her particular way of looking at things also comes from fortunate meetings with artists and masters like Robert Rauschenberg, Pierpaolo Vetta, Gianluigi Pescolderung.
After graduating in architecture, she opens her first studio in Venice, and in 2010 she moves to her hometown and starts her own business +fortuna, an experimental design studio.
Professional activity goes together with research and teaching. In 2003 she starts collaborating with courses at Iuav University, she then takes part of the course of Photography Technics and Visual Cultures, and presently she leads the course of Fundamentals of Communication Design.
Paola has been awarded by the International Institute for Information Design in 2011 the Grand Prix, received with a research group from Iuav University of Venice, and in 2020 the Gold and Silver Prizes, won with Iuav University of Venice, for the categories Sustainability and Editorial, and Silver and Bronze Prizes, with +fortuna, for the categories Social Affairs and Universal Design. Her works were exhibited in prestigious occasions like the Milan Triennale, shortlisted by Aiap Women Design Award (AWDA), published in ADI Design index.

The image-creating process acts in unpredictable contexts and gives rise to unprecedented suggestions. These are then rigorously verified during the design procedure.
All starts from an artwork, a combination of literal, visual and cultural suggestions which passing through a process of overlapping, abstraction and melting, gives birth to images that condense a whole narrative.


The fortunati

Ulisse Canlungo a wire-haired dachshund, son of Peppino Canlungo and Runa Del Molpo, was born in a summer day in Trieste. He is the real stakhanovite of the whole studio. Always ready for a feedback, always steady on his position - preferably stretched on the floor. Incorruptible, almost all the times. Ulisse is a navigator on graphic design. He has a PH. Dog in canine aesthetics at the university of Baskerville, where he had discussed a thesis on the relationship between sausages and badgers. From a graphic point of view, he has a clear preference for low and compressed fonts. Probably for a sort of professional - or animal?- deformation.


Gloria Zanotti was born in San Marino in 1981. After the degree in architecture, she took a MA in visual communication, focusing on wayfinding design. She has worked as teaching assistant at the Università Iuav di Venezia , in the “Design and visual communication” course. She won the first prize of the “94th Artist Collective of Bevilacqua La Masa”, graphic section, in 2012, shortlisted in 2013 for AWDA with a project named "Nextfloor". In 2015 with +fortuna she was shortlisted for the AWDA award and in 2016 for ADI Design Index. She keeps exploring new sides and borders of visual communication.


Giovanni Capra was born in Vicenza in 1995. He took his master's degree at the Università Iuav di Venezia with a specialisation in Visual Communication Design. He draws to learn about his surroundings and to imagine things that do not exist. His works have been selected on several occasions for collective exhibitions of graphic designers and illustrators. He enjoys exploring paths, observing plants and animals and smelling the scent of the forest after the rain.


The fortunates who participate in the studio's projects: Ivana Barbarito (archi truc), Alessandra Chemollo (chephoto!), Federico Conti Picamus (graphicamus), Marco Covi (photosopher), Lucia Di Gioia (ri-solver), Rino Lombardi (copyster), Fulvio Loro (007), Michela Maguolo (mikipedia), Scilla Mantovani (punk stylist), Lorenzo Truant (archilux).

Peppe Clemente in our minds

La Madonna ci accompagna

La Madonna ci accompagna is translated from the dialect expression *a’ Maronna c’accumpagna*, meaning *may the Holy Virgin be with us*, which is generally used in Naples to greet someone and wish them good luck.


People who previously worked with us

Elisabetta Facchinetti, Elisabetta Cassin, Marco Davanzo, Roberto Duse, Umberto Ferro, Stefano Ghesini, Francesca Giubilei, Arnel Helja, Marco Luitprandi, Claudio Maffei, Giada Mihelic, Elisa Miorin, Mayra Mocellin, Angela Nicente, Filippo Papa, Roberto Pastrovicchio, Joanna Pellizer, Andrea Penisto, Giorgia Pierobon, Giovanna Riccio, Giulia Saccon, Marco Saro, Dario Serio, Sveva Stanghellini, Barbara Todisco, Francesco Tonon, Asia Valencic, Marta Vianello, Isabella Zegna.
Students / trainees: Lidia Bonato, Gaia Garattoni, Matilde Guzzon, Giovanna Polenghi, Alessandro Sasso, Alessia Trevisan.

Peppe Clemente in our minds.


A long story of relationships

Alpe Adria Bank, APM Associazione Nazionale Piccoli Musei, Axo light, BarbaritoBancel Architects, La Biennale di Venezia, Camera di Commercio di Treviso, Centrostile, Comune di Venezia, Collier & Dobson, Demont Group, Espresso comunicazione, Fondazione Berengo, Fondazione San Servolo, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Galleria Miejska Arsenal, HypoGroup, MAD Museum of Arts and Design, MiBAC - Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Veneto, Marisa Laurito, Museo di arte contemporanea di Cosenza, MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kaernten, Palazzo Franchetti Ca d'oro, Phanes Lighting, Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio del Veneto Orientale, La Spaziale, Scape Ludovica Di Falco, Star Crystal Art Gallery, Svensk Form, Venice Project Gallery, Tampieri financial group, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice Art Factory, VIU Venice Intarnational University.


Photography Marco Covi | Nika Furlani | +fortuna's archive
